Thursday, September 15, 2011

no sight, no sound

This past week of philosophy has been filled with reflection on how much of my world is ignored on a regulars basis. To be not only have a blind fold on but also earplugs, really makes one think on how much we depend on those senses and the sense of safety that they bring us. While we walked in silence trying to explain what philosophy was, I realized how difficult it is to focus and have a connection with a person when the traditional ways of communication are removed. Sitting in the circle and for the first time in weeks not having to think about anything sent me to place of peace where I lost track of time or where I was. When I heard the three claps telling me it was time to the blindfold and earplugs, it felt as if I had just awoken from a deep sleep. A sleep where sleeping isn't required (if that makes any sense). The walk back felt different, every color was brighter, the sun was warmers and as I entered the school I realized just plain and sad looking our walls were. I  noticed how ever wall was either all white or all blue. I know those are the school colors but I felt as if our building was more of a waiting room in some air port or hospital. Then the bell rang, all the kids starting rushing around, talking amongst themselves and never really stopping. I never realized how fast everyone in our school moves and how loud our hallway can really be. I guess when you have certain senses removed, even if its only for a little bit, ironically  you realize just how much you were missing with  those senses.

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