Sunday, February 5, 2012

Notes on the Sublime

1)   Antennas-Sensors (allow to know surroundings). 
a)    States that people have another sense; it is this sense that allows each individual to connect to art.
i)     If you don’t connect with a piece of art, your antenna isn’t attuned to it.
ii)    All objects, all things have a way to connect to the antennas of other things.    
2)   Art is meant to Unite.                                                            
a)    Piss Christ- immortal, dividing people
b)   20th and 21st century removed this definition.
3)   Hume- Sensory perceptions come first.
a)    Feeling need expression and expression is conative.
b)   Spiritual not merely sensual.
4)   The Romantics – Value accuracy
5)   Lyrics have to be beautiful 
Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten
·         purpose of art=produce beauty. "The point of beauty is to give pleasure and arouse desire."
·                            -beauty is to be found in nature, 
                        - highest aim of art is to imitate nature”
·         Sensual art – human form and perfection of nature
·            -Art gives pleasure and satisfaction to the soul
-      -Pleasure and pain constitute the essence of beauty and deformity.
·         Standard of taste + aesthetic judgments- ascertaining which features of art were most highly pleasing to qualified and impartial connoisseurs
Edmund Burke
·         The sublime- can be the aim of art: a feeling of beauty is a form of love without desire, and to feel something as sublime is to feel astonishment without fear.”
·         Sublime: high moral, aesthetic, and spiritual value; inspiring deep, or uplifting emotion because of its beauty
·         The sublime= destroy to create
·         Derives from need for social contact, \
·         - Taste is the faculty of judging of an object 
 m  -object of such satisfaction is called beautiful.”
Sensual delight = gratification
Disinterested enjoyment = pleasingness
·                                              -Free beauty = nature, natural things, life
Derivative beauty = art, interpretations of life and nature  
·                                               -Production of beauty is the purpose of art 

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