Monday, October 3, 2011

Heraclitus vs. Parmenides

Parmenides stated that sense perception alone could reveal the truth about things? The mind could never reconstruct the truth out of the sensory data. There is no one way our senses can be manipulated to achieve a coherent truth. A distinction between appearance and reality must be made to find truth. Our perceptions are the effects of causes that we cant directly perceive and which we can know only by inference. 
Inference can’t be called “truth”.
Truth must consist just of information which can be acquired by mind alone, and ONLY THE MIND, uncontaminated by sensory information. Pure reasoning, allows one to gain knowledge. A truth is a proposal to which our reasoning allows us to conclude. Beliefs cannot constitute knowledge because it can compete with other beliefs, and not all those beliefs can be false. Perception and senses are also unique to individuals. We will never know how other perceive the world and therefore what is true for us can be different from their “truth”. However every human has the ability to reason and therefore to reason we can all reach a consensus. 

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