Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Who can claim Antigone?

Antigone dies a martyr, one who was ready and willing to die standing up to what she saw as not only an unjust law in the city but a violation of one the her faiths rituals. Because of her love for her family Antigone wanted to give her brother a proper burial, he respected him. She believed that the dead were in a state of equality. She is able to stay true to her beliefs, while Creon is forced to change based on pressure from external forces. Creon is dedicated to his duty as king, while Antigone makes decisions based on human values and faith, regardless of all other factors.  

The primal will, is fundamental to a human being, because it is the will of choice. Antigone assesses her situation and then makes a choice based on her beliefs and morality . Her faith allows her to tress-pass t a child's will, this is the will to survive, she wants to live however realizes that there is something bigger than her, she commits the crime because she has the need to carry out her faith and bury her brother. The final is the will to power. Now here is where we have to be clear. Nietzsche argues that this will is the essential driving force behind our existence. That this is literally why we live, rather than my the previously mentioned wills which give us the motives to survive and the ability to reason R. The will to power is the will to embrace our to further elevate us in this world. To accept our passions and desires and to go above the law like Antigone did in order to please our own values and beliefs. Everyone is seeking elevation. Antigone did it not through her death or her faith but because of because of her ability to trespass societies rules and expectations and follow her own passions and urges  to her as and individual it was her faith and duty not to anyone else but toward her own ideals.  she gave her life for her ideals but in doing so followed her own ethics.

1 comment:

  1. This just makes me think that perhaps all people who accept and follow their will to power are in some way ostracized from society because some primal urges are considered improper within society. The followers of Dionysus is a good example of this; the Dionysian followers deviated from the conformity the followers of Apollo demanded. Even to today's societies, a common trait in successful people is greed driven by the need for power. Greed is looked down upon in our society and thus the CEOs and board members of large companies are often labelled as villains.
