Thursday, November 10, 2011


The extensive possibilities in one blank of paper are unimaginable. Where would we be with out ideas, poetry, literature, arithmetic and art. Yes some of the listed items could exist with out paper, but for how long?  Paper empty and white with nothing at all can be everything you could ever think of. Is being remembered not what we all strive for? Humans like money, power and success. But why? in the end don't we all want a legacy something to leave behind, weather it be big or small we all have the need to exist and to be recognized by each other. I agree with  Hegel, we all need some other being to exist. If  no one has a memory of you, if no one knows your name if no one knows what you did if no one ever reads about you, do you really exist. I'm not saying that we need to be famous to exist its as simple as one other person animal or plant acknowledging you. If you plant a three well then that three becomes proof of your existence. If you write a book then other will read your thoughts, and if you have child then you live one in them. We all impact our world, as individuals we can choose in what ways we do.  

1 comment:

  1. That's so Hegel! :)

    But yes, that is a very Hegelian viewpoint - with quite a good amount of validity in it. But I think it all depends on your perspective. Somebody might not find themselves to be, to exist, until they can be defined, and recognized in something or someone else.
    However, someone else might just live for the moment, and not consider the implications of their actions - they don't need others to define themselves- they already know who they are.
