Thursday, December 22, 2011

Draft of Song I was working on before deciding on Kesha

A true philosopher cannot be
 in a place like Athens
No matter how hard you may try, a pest is all they see
Poor Socrates
More than a philosopher you may be a prophet
For like you said
A philosopher will only be seen as a mad men

Now you’re sentenced to die.

and yet no apology,
you maintain your ideology?

why oh Socrates?
You’re no god.

It is better to suffer than to do injustice, you stick to your beliefs
And us like cowards simply agree
Yet the trial is for you, not I.

1 comment:

  1. (other section that did'nt really fit)
    More than a teacher, a mentor to many you were a beacon of lite
    Ignorance you challenged
    With it they judge you
