Friday, December 30, 2011

Reflection on Hagel VS Marx debate

I was on the Hagel team but found flaws in both arguments.  Thought capitalism can be a good form of an economical system but has to be regulated  based the states current conditions. Under Capitalist conditions workers will inevitably lose control of their lives by losing control over their work, humans cannot pursue their happiness under the conditions of purely capitalist  societies. Hegel is in my opinion overly idealistic. He doesn't make sense of how the material world in the capitalist system have affected history. The idea that  the universal spirit is what drives human history is a bit to simplistic (perhaps the only simplistic part of Hagel). What really drives human history is hard to define to Marx it might class struggles, to a religious man it might be God, or the institutions of religions (some say religion is the cause of all wars) to others human determination and ambition drives history whether is be for better or worse (the idea of the American Dream is based on the idea that hard work and self motivation equal success). However Marx is also very  idealistic in the outcomes of his theories, I think that humans have drive and the will to improve current conditions. Human nature itself makes the utopian idea of Communism impossible. I think that a lots of their philosophy is very similar, with some differences. And as people who can read and study their philosophies we can take the good points they each make and somehow each as philosophy students make our own philosophy on how societies function and how to improve them. 

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