Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sharing Poem (might be second type I post this, i dont think id did the first time I posted it)

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

This poem is one of my favorite poems I planned on reciting it but then changed my mind. Then when Nataly shared this poem in class it made me very happy. To me this poem is very personal and special. I know the lines and recite it to myself whenever I need to keep going. I think the main theme of the poem is to be able to dream. Dreams may not always occur or may be impossible but hanging on to them will bring light to your life. One always needs something to look forward to, something to think about and to hope for. We should hold fast to our dreams and try to make them come true. Even if we cannot fully reach our dreams we might discover others along the way. Dream can change or grow but their existence allows us to have some type of happiness and faith in life. 

Comparison of Meditations.

Visiting the Buddhist temple was a wonderful and unique experience. I originally imagined the Buddhist priest to be similar to the Iman I had met at an Islamic temple. However our speaker’s personality was very different.  Both were nice but he seemed a lot more connected to youth and people. He understood the concepts he was teaching and was able to apply it to our own everyday lives. It was interesting seeing how Buddhism can be applied in everyday life. In class we have studied the teachings and the philosophy behind them, but being able to see the teaching applied to something like changing a diaper was very interesting. The meditation was very nice and relaxing. It took me 1about 8 or 9 minutes to get into the meditation state and I was able to maintain it for  1 or 2 minutes or at least it felt like that long. It was a good idea to tell us to try to listen to the silence. I found it easier than to stop thinking. I was able to state I rarely reach. When our philosophy class attempted to meditate to a tape, with an English translator the directions were not as simple. The exercise tested my ability to focus and to maintain the positions instructed. After the first five minutes I started to lose focus. I became frustrated and stopped paying attention I then re-focused and got into the correct posture. Though, I was physically following the instructions, but my mind was wondering from the exercise.  I was thinking about the math test I had the next period then Solibo Magnificent quiz I had later that day. It was difficult to escape reality and future thoughts and concentrate on the present task. Overall the Buddhist meditation seemed simpler and the atmosphere seemed perfect for it. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

I Ching Ko / Revolution (Molting)

 “The Chinese character for this hexagram means in its original sense an animal's pelt, which is changed in the course of the year by molting. From this word is carried over to apply to the "moltings" in political life, the great revolutions connected with changes of governments. The two trigrams making up the hexagram are the same two that appear in K'uei, OPPOSITION”

Fire below and the lake above combat and destroy each other. So too in the course of the year a combat takes place between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, eventuating in the revolution of the seasons, and man is able to adjust himself in advance to the demands of the different times.

Overall I think my number represents my current situation as well as my future. The way I interpret it is that I will go through three major changes that will gradually occur through life. To have “Supreme” success,
  I must show perseverance.
 An eventually any remorse that I have over past choices will disappear. I think That my fortune is advising me to prepare myself and hold my ground until the time is right for change. I think change refers to my character. As a teenager I am at a point in life where my personality has been formed and will not undergo any change. However, with experience and age I think I will continue to mature and many of my ideologies will either grow stronger and more firm or will transform to others. Lastly I will reach a point in life where both my ideas and personality come together and persist despite environment. At that point I can truly help others and loose regret of any mistakes I have and will make along the way. To remain perseverant throughout the process will brings me good fortune.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Joseph Campbell and to the power of myth and more Class Notes

1.Mystery- the dimension beyond all forms?
            -Mainstream society
            -laws, values.

-Indra: from the Upanishads
-Vitra: Monster-drought
Waters flowed:World restore.
            “What a great biy am I”
How to live human life.
-What to ware?
-How to behave?

Sleeping god who dreams the universe.
Closes his eyes-Opens his eyes.
            -Onother lotus.
            Galaxy’s- numerous lotuses
            -no one dares count how many
-Army of aunts
            -don’t ask unless you are willing to….
            -from the lowest of levels it rises.
-Hindrani- Goes to wise men.
            -in life you can represent the everlasting.  
-Can go to the woods and throw it all away
-Or you can remain and can manifest what you want to be.

Intro to Hinduism: Code of Conduct

3 Paths to God
            1.Derotee (Devotion)-Ritual
2.Ascetic-Renounces the world to achieve one with the divine.
            3.Mystical-Annilates the self.
7 Shrakas
            -7 parts on the body.