Saturday, January 21, 2012

Two Songs that I connected With

The fist song is "When you were young" By the Killers. I don't remember the exact moment in which I first heard the song but I heard it again my sophomore year. I really enjoy the music and the lyrics of the song.  Whenever I hear this song i first think of Disney "You sit there in your heartache Waiting on some beautiful boy to To save you from your old ways". However I don't think the song is about a boy or romance. I think it's about the tendency for individuals to dream about the future and to think about the past, never really living in the moment. And while looking at the future and past one looses themselves and hope that someone will save them. When we're young we strive for perfection and we want to please people however as we grow old we realize that nothing is perfect and some of the lucky ones learn to move on from perfection. "They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet/ You don't have to drink right now/ But you can dip your feet/ Every once in a little while" I think this part of the song is saying that everyone makes mistakes and it's ok to let yourself be taken by them the important thing is to find yourself back.  I also think its about loss of innocence and the ability to recognize hardship. "And sometimes you close your eyes And see the place where you used to live
When you were young" I think humans have a tendency to look back to a place where they were once happy, it's a way to escape the world, even if it's only for a moment. Overall I think the song is saying it's ok to look back or to hope for a fairytale but in the end we have to accept reality and continue moving forward in hope of something, and we might surprise ourselves. 
 Rated  +7

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